Monday, August 16, 2010


Music is found in every known culture, past and present, varying wildly between times and places.  Since all people of the world, including the most isolated tribal groups, have a form of music, scientists conclude that music is likely to have been present in the ancestral population prior to the dispersal of humans around the world.

Music is influenced by all other aspects of that culture, including social and economic organization and experience, climate, and access to technology.

Today, more people listen to music than ever before. Live performances have also increased in number and size. Certain kinds of music have leaped over the oceans to entertain multitudes in ways never anticipated a few decades ago. Music has become a presence and power with awesome effects. Popular music has become a global language that leaves a personal and permanent impression. From early times, music was heard in the presence of the performer at festive occasions, at times of praise in worship, and at times of war in preparation for battle. Each culture, thus, made music fit its own particular taste from simple drum-like instruments to the precision and demands of instruments like those in the keyboard, string, woodwind, brass and percussion families.

Music has a significant affect on its listeners. it is used to inform the masses. music can influence the way we dance, dress, talk and it also sets the tone for cultures.  

I think that music of a particular time seems to relfect the opposite of what's going on in society. For example, think of Mozart's music, it's some of the most beautiful music ever written, same with Beethoven. Now both of these composers lives weren't exactly easy. They suffered, lost their families and were constantly struggling, with either money or social acceptance. Now we have bands like Black Sabbath, and Cradle of Filth.....just look at these names. And the music seems to be written always about really bad violent things, sometimes sad...etc etc. Music is a form of art. How will it affect society? Well, music is one of those things that is uncapable of sustaining life, but things like music, art, poetry....these are the types of things that we stay alive for. I'm not sure on how it would effect society, but I know that in some cases, depending on the type of music it would be good, and on some others, it would be bad. The more aggressive the music, probably the more grumpy the people who listen to it if you know what I mean.

Music has long been an expression of people from different cultures around the world. The oldest artefacts that show people playing musical instruments are found in Asia and are around four thousand years old. Other archaeological findings suggest that different cultures around the world have always focused on their own special instruments and unique methods of playing them. However, no matter how much music may have differed in different parts of the world, it seems that music served a general common purpose: to bring people together.

On Animals and Plants, Too!

Tests on the effects of music on living organisms besides humans have shown that special pieces of music (including The Blue Danube) aid hens in laying more eggs. Music can also help cows to yield more milk. Researchers from Canada and the former Soviet Union found that wheat will grow faster when exposed to special ultrasonic and musical sounds. Rats were tested by psychologists to see how they would react to Bach's music and rock music. The rats were placed into two different boxes. Rock music was played in one of the boxes while Bach's music was played in the other box. The rats could choose to switch boxes through a tunnel that connected both boxes. Almost all of the rats chose to go into the box with the Bach music even after the type of music was switched from one box to the other.


  1. Ok, everything is set...
    keep it up


  2. I would like to thank to my
    handsome brother jayson
    teaching me doing this essay!

